
I am an incoming CS PhD student at UT-Austin and I just got my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science with additional majors Electrical Engineering, and Mathematics at Johns Hopkins University. Previously, I worked with Prof. Ryan Huang on understanding partial failure bugs in large-scale distributed systems and Prof. Aaron Stump on constructing relational semantics for theorem-proving in DCS based on Types, Abstraction and Parametric Polymorphism.

I believe fascating dicoveries dawn in the intersection of beautiful theories and practical insights. My current reserach interest lies on formal verification of operating system.

In my spare time, I play tennis and Dota2.

Welcome to get in touch with me anytime!!!


12/20: Got "Honorable Mention" in 2024 CRA Outstanding Undergrad Researcher Award!

12/7: Paper ‘Efficient Exposure of Partial Failure Bugs in Distributed Systems with Inferred Abstract States’ is accepted at NSDI'24 and I will be the presenter!

